About This Site

Dear friends, it has been about ten years now since our father died. This site has been live for a while now, a friend uploaded all of dad’s documents and writings almost immediately after his death. We are confident our father would endorse this publication of his work.

Dad lost his fight with cancer in 2010. He was a lay preacher and very close to God. He has written a lot of documents and done a lot of research and study about our blessed Redeemer. 

We would at this stage like to add a ‘disclaimer’. Dad in writing his books and documents had no access to the internet. The internet at the time dad wrote his books wasn’t widely available as it is today. Dad had quite a few books and DVDs that he studied from but they have all been lost to us during the stormy time leading up to his death. We have also lost his original manuscripts. We are aware that there are spelling errors and uploading errors within this site, but as dad isn’t around we do not wish to try to rectify the situation. It is very easy to change the meaning of a sentence or paragraph and we wish to keep his work as it was originally written. So we do apologise for any errors and ask your understanding in the matter. Thank you.

Shortly after his death I felt the Holy Spirit impressing me to continue with his work. So during the following years I have followed my Saviour to the cross. As you can imagine Satan takes no pleasure in anyone writing about the love of God and the path has been fiery. But we have put our hand in the hand of our blessed Redeemer and pressed on. The web address to my work is lettersfromgod.info

We pray you will obtain blessing and insight from these letters and documents. We also pray if you haven’t already given your heart to Jesus that you may find Him within these two web sites. Friends time is short, Jesus is about to return and claim His bride, heaven is our home and friends I believe that today we are closer than we have ever been before. Friends I pray you join with us when we walk by the river of life. Amen 

We have included within this site the option to download, print and pass on any of these documents. We do request that you please do not alter, change or amend any words or meanings within these letters. Thank you.